Why Home Safes and Fire Safes Don’t Work for Original Legal Documents
The main reason safes and even home fire safes are not good places to store your important legal documents is because they are in your home. A safe might be a great place to keep valuables that you want to keep in your home. If you DO want to keep valuables at home, then the safe should be bolted to the concrete and of sufficient strength to withstand a natural disaster and resist easy removal by thieves.
Offsite Storage
The best place to store legal documents that may be needed upon your disability or death is off site. Fires and natural disasters kill and disable people every year, and if your documents are destroyed at the same time there is no way to recreate them. Another problem with safes and even fire safes is the fact that they look like a safe, which is the number one item that is opened, destroyed, or taken by thieves.
Size and Capacity
Many home fire safes are small. When people wish to put more things in them, they might make room by removing their wills and trusts and other paperwork that ultimately may have more value and importance than whatever they are placing in there. Once someone has a home fire safe, they are hesitant to get a larger one even when they need one.
Combinations and Keys
If you hide the combination and key from your family, then how do they get in it when they need to get documents for you? If you give them the key or combination and then think something is missing, you might question whether they took it.
A large, strong fire safe is expensive. Upgrading to a larger size is another added expense. Also, it’s important to consider the time it takes to research which safes are best suited for your needs and the time it takes to locate, purchase, and install such a safe.
Legal Docs Depository handles the storage of those documents for you inexpensively, off site, with no size restriction. If your storage needs increase, we have room.
As an attorney, I understand the importance of keeping certain original documents safe. That’s why I not only recommend my clients store their documents at Legal Docs Depository, but I myself store my important documents at Legal Docs Depository.
— R.T., Tulsa OK